International Labour Organisation (ILO)
The future of work podcast - Heat stress – how are we going to live with it?
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
Working in the heat infographic
OSH Answers Fact Sheets. Cold Environments - Working in the Cold
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Heat stress
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Heat stress
Heat stress check list
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
OSHA Quick Card
Protecting workers from heat stress
E-fact 27- θερμό περιβάλλον εργασίας στον τομέα HORECA
OSHA FactSheet
Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
Safe Work Australia
Guide for managing the risks of working in heat
WorkSafe BC
Heat stress
Επιστημονικός Σύλλογος Τεχνικών Ασφαλείας Ελλάδας
Σύντομος οδηγός Κώδικα πρακτικής για την θερμική καταπόνηση των εργαζομένων
The University of Iowa- Environmental Health & Safety
What is cold stress?
Princeton University, Environmental Health and Safety-Heat & Cold Stress
Cold Stress Facts
The social partners body for health and safety at work
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